Anxiety Doesn't Have to Rule in Your Life

Published on 10 June 2022 at 03:08

Times are indeed uncertain for so many. Prices on every avenue are steadily rising, however, our funds are not. For many, quality of life is at an all-time low, making anxiety levels shoot through the roof. These are facts, however, anxiety doesn't have to rule in your life. You have the power to live life happily and with peace no matter what may come your way. For one, dealing with anxiety takes practice and as your practice helpful techniques, over time, the impact of anxiety will lessen.

Anxiety is unfortunately a natural part of everyday life. In fact, prolonged anxiety will greatly decrease the quality of your life lived. In God's Word, it says in Phillipians 4: 6-7, that we should not be anxious about situations but rather give them to God in prayer. He then says that he will award you with his peace that will remain no matter what is going on around you. God knew that we would encounter these type of stressful situations. He took out time to ensure that throughout his Word, how to deal with anxiety was discussed in one form or another. God gave us wisdom to deal with anxiety. I know, because there was a time in which anxiety crippled me from excelling in life. When I started listening to God and people he put in my path to teach me how to deal, I successfully learned quite a few techniques that can be used to decrease the effects of anxiety. So Here's a few practical, everyday actions I learned that will allow you to decrease the impact of anxiety:

  1. Prayer - Praying allows us to directly communicate with Christ Jesus. He will always reassure us and comfort our hearts and minds.
  2. Meditation - Focusing on a positive thought or on anything that will distract you from the person or situation causing the increase of anxiety levels can decrease anxiety.
  3. Deep Breathing - I have used, and I still use, this method whenever things begin to overwhelm me. When I am not in the comfort of my home, I stop and use deep breathing. It's a quick exercise that calms your mind and body to ultimately allow you to refocus.
  4. Laughter - God's Word (Proverbs 17:22) speaks of laughter as medicine to your heart. You will find that laughter will break any strong hold anxiety may have you in at that Moment.
  5. Sleep - Go to sleep! Resting the mind and body can provide revitilization like no other!

As I said earlier, these are just a few exercises to use to combat the intensity anxiety tends to present when it arrives. We can not avoid anxiety and stressful situations, however, your responses to anxiety will determine if it rules your life or just passes by. So when you feel anxiety rising to uncomfortable levels, kick your feet up, tilt your head back, and let out a laughter and remember, that situation will never rule you! Have a blessed Week!


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